In order to create a website, you need 2 things - a domain and a website hosting plan for it. The domain registration is the actual web address that you enter in a web browser to access a site, while the hosting space is where your site files is going to be. These are two closely connected, but separate services, even though many people think that registering the domain is enough. Very similar to the disk space and the monthly traffic features which a given hosting plan provides, there are a certain number of registered domains which you can add as hosted which means that you can have the web content for them in some account even if the domains are in fact registered through a different firm. In technical terms, it does not matter whether a domain name is registered and hosted with the same company or is registered with one company and pointed to another one - in any case your sites will operate in exactly the same way.

Hosted Domains in Website Hosting

One of the differences between our website hosting packages is the number of domain names which you can host in a single account. Having more domain addresses with functioning sites for them means employing additional server system resources, hence the more domains you would like to host, the more expensive the package. This way, we give you the chance to pick a less expensive plan if you want to have just one or a couple of websites. In the same time, you will be able to upgrade your plan or keep the current one and only add more slots for hosting more domain names within your existing account, so you will not be limited by this feature. Regardless how many domains you host, there's no limit how many domains you can register in your account and it is your choice if you'll also host them or you'll forward them to already existing domains using the parking feature.

Hosted Domains in VPS Servers

With our VPS servers you'll get ample resources readily available and since you will have your own server, it's only natural that you can host as many domain names as you would like. You can pick from three website hosting Control Panels through the registration process and depending on your choice there are two different alternatives. If you choose our in-house made Hepsia CP, all domain addresses hosted on the server will be handled together via a single account and newly registered domains will be hosted automatically, while if you choose cPanel or DirectAdmin, you are going to be able to create an independent account for every domain name and for new registrations you'll have to add the domains manually. The second alternative may be more convenient when you have to provide access to a given domain to a third party without granting them access to the entire server or other domains hosted on it.