Reselling Options in VPS Servers
If you acquire one of the powerful VPS servers packages that we offer, we'll make it really easy for you to start a reseller business. We supply two web hosting Control Panels which will enable you to do this - cPanel and DirectAdmin. They both come with a reseller and a client level, which means that you're able to create package deals and start selling them right away. For all the cPanel-equipped servers, we also provide a free of cost domain reseller account with eNom, one of the most well known domain service providers nowadays, that will save you the money which you'll need to deposit if you register with them straight away. What is more, we will give you the powerful ClientExec - an all-in-one payment and support solution that works with all major payment processors. It will enable you to generate invoices, to set package prices and to offer ticket support to your clients without difficulty. All of the VPS plans feature full root-level access, that gives you full control of the server and will allow you to start and maintain a prosperous hosting reseller business.