Setup Fee in Website Hosting
When you get a website hosting package through us, the final price that you'll need to pay throughout the checkout will be identical to the price you've already found on our front page as well as on every other page on our website. The payment processing as well as the account generation on our outstanding cloud hosting system are almost completely automatic, so we think that charging you any installation fees whatsoever is rather unreasonable. Even if you get several accounts at once, you will not be required to spend anything for the installation or for any other kind of hidden costs for that matter. It's our concept that being honest with each customer since the very beginning is far more beneficial than getting a few more dollars.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Our VPS server plans don't have installation fees and any hidden charges of any sort. In case you purchase such a package, we will create the server, mount its OS, web server software, MySQL, etcetera, and we'll give you a fully functional device at no extra charges. All you will have to pay will be the standard monthly cost for the plan you have chosen and that rate is exactly the same for the subsequent months as well. It's our principle that charging you more money for a process that is almost entirely automatic is rather unreasonable, therefore the amount you will find on our home page will be identical to the one that will appear on your bank statement. This is valid regardless if we move one or several websites from a shared hosting account to a brand new virtual server.